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Muito bom.

Comprei 100k para teste no dia 27, mais deu uns problemas e só dia 30/10 que foi concretizar que a c ...

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By Guilherme de Freitas Guimarães


Comprei 115k para o mundo de Candia, chegou 2 dias após a compra. Falta comunicação e organização só ...

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By Rodrigo Ribeiro


Nossa, super eficiente, obrigado mesmo! Muito agradecido, funcionou. Da pra confiar, abraços.

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By Matheus Krainovic


paguei o boleto numa sexta-feira, deram baixa na segunda feira, meus 100k chegaram no dp de venore t ...

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By filipy


Mto Bom, comprei um char e 350k, ambos entregues no prazo..

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By Caio Ribeiro Gomes

Muito bom

Muito bom, no começo so fiz pra ver msm, e depositei uma quantia baixa, e no outro dia ja estava la! ...

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By Bruno



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By Celio


Voces poderiam fazer venda por SMS , é muito bom!

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By marcos yamamoto


Ótimo site, fiz a compra de 200k gold e chegou direitinho após a confirmação do pagamento. Obrigado. ...

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By Vinicius

World trade

site confiavel, fiz um world trade sem garantia nenhuma, se fosse um site de fraudes, eu teria perdi ...

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By Guilherme


fiz um acordo com ele e em menos de 30 minutos do deposito ja estava com o produto em mãos, estou mu ...

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By bruno


Nenhum contra, site confiavel, entrega rápida e eficaz. Parabéns Tibiastorage ;D

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By Yuri Dutra

Tibia Keltera

Comprei 105k no começo achei que não fosse real, mas quando abri o mail e meu parcel com a grana est ...

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By Andre Viera

Compra de gold

Agradeço o ótimo serviço prestado pelo TS, comprei 107k em Neptera e chegou dentro dos conformes, pa ...

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By Athos


me surpreendi eu comprei 410 , e realmente chegou eu pensava q não ia chegar mais chegou , "RECOMEND ...

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By Morre diabo

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What's new here?
Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account? Enjoy your stay and feel free to explore our site and learn more about us. Here is a summary of what we offer:

Gold Sale
Gold is the game's currency, therefore nobody can afford to play without having some. The more gold one has, the better and more fulfilling is his gameplay. Buying gold will help immensely if you know where and how to spend it. What is a druid or a sorcerer without soft boots, for example? Every mage who owns a pair knows the importance of this item, be it because of the ML which increases a lot faster, or because of being able to hunt stronger creatures for a more robust loot and exp. If you don't have one, purchasing gold with us and buying a pair will not cost you much and the in-game advantage will be tremendous. Knights may need a moderate or full set for the most unusual adventures and high exp hunts, where having a weak set can be wasteful and therefore prohibitive. These are only some ideas of what you can do with gold, for its use depends on the owner's imagination.

Character Sale
Buying a character without RK has never been easier. An account that has not been registered and therefore has no RK is like a new account with no previous owner. That said, as soon as we deliver your account info, you can log in, register it and get the RK. This is the safest way to buy an account, because technically, it's like the account was created by you. We do not recommend buying a character from unreliable sellers due to the inherent risk that RK brings, where even after changing your password and altering the email, the account can be taken back by the ex-owner using the RK.

Premium Time Sale
Those who enjoy this game cannot tolerate playing as free account. Sadly, when compared to other MMOs in the market, the price of premium time is far from cheap. With this in mind, we began selling premium time in 2014 with a price up to 20% lower than that charged by the official website. Our premium is very popular and not always will you find it available in our site, but when it is, the premium can be purchased in the form of 3, 6 or 12 months.

World Trade Service
Do you have gold rusting away in another world that you don't play? TibiaStorage can help you by exchanging the gold from one server to another, and all we charge is a low, fixed in-game fee. Learn more.

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